Putting Patients First!

Dental Health Tips for Teens

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Do you want your teen to have the best oral health and smile possible? If so, our dentist, Dr. Mallory Charging, has some good news for you! There are things you can do to help your teen achieve that goal, and she is happy to tell you all about them.

First, encourage your teen to cut back on soda. Soda is full of acid and sugar, and those substances can cause enamel erosion and cavities. If they absolutely have to drink soda, ask them to drink it through a straw. This way the liquid avoids the teeth altogether.

Second, make sure your teen wears a mouthguard while they play sports. A mouthguard can keep your teen’s smile safe when hard, forceful objects hit it. The most common mouthguards available include boil-and-bite, stock, and custom-made mouthguards.

Third, discourage oral piercings. Oral piercings, like tongue or lip piercings, can easily break the teeth while eating, talking, and even sleeping. When the teeth are cracked, a filling, root canal, or tooth extraction might be necessary.

Call Szmanda Dental Wittenberg today at 715-253-3200 if you have any questions or if you would like to know more about how to help your teen have a strong and healthy smile in Wittenberg, Wisconsin. Our dental team is thrilled to hear from and help you!